YCSD news graphic

Youngstown City Schools and the Board of Education carefully considered options at the public board and ad hoc committee meetings when examining the potential configuration of our facilities. We reviewed pertinent enrollment data, financials, and scenario-based alternatives. Rest assured, the decision was to create an even more efficient learning environment and maximize building operations.

Youngstown City Schools remains committed to educational excellence, and we sincerely thank you for entrusting us with your scholar's education. The district will further communicate with impacted families to identify a plan moving forward.

Based on the board of education vote at the January 2, 2024 meeting, the district realignment for the 24-25 school year will include:

Chaney Middle School

  • Chaney Middle School will move to the current Volney Elementary, as that building was originally constructed to house a middle school, 2400 S Schenley.

 Kirkmere Elementary

  • The Kirkmere facility will no longer operate as an elementary school building. Depending on the street address by census area, scholars will transition to either the new Volney Elementary School at the McGuffey Campus (310 South Schenley Ave) or Taft Elementary School (730 E. Avondale Ave).


  • Our preschool program and several central offices will move to the Kirkmere building.

 Volney Elementary

  • All scholars and staff members from the current Volney Rogers Elementary School will transition to the new Volney Elementary at the McGuffey Campus located in the Current Chaney Middle School building. (310 South Schenley Ave).

Taft Elementary

  • A certain number of scholars within a particular census area who attend Taft will transition to Paul C. Bunn. 

Elementary School Boundaries Map for the 24-25 School Year

* For the direct link to the map that is searchable by address, click here: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1-yFpKvbqCvtozqCpORLPcUSI-xpLg2o&usp=sharing