Information Technology

Data Department

Data Department
Choffin, Room C-129
Fax:  (330) 744-2056

Gregory Kibler

Director of District Data and Accountability
Office Phone: (330) 744-5900

Teri Giles
Student Information Data Specialist
Office Phone: (330) 744-6990

Justine Vagas
Student Information Data Specialist
Office Phone: (330) 744-6994

Michelle Mirich
Office Phone: (330) 744-6995

Kari King
EMIS Supervisor
Office Phone: (330) 744-7970

Data Departments

The Data Department is a multi-faceted division of the administrative services of the district that will support and assist all schools, departments, and stakeholders with the necessary data and data processing services to measure and gauge improvement.

 Some specific department functions include, but are not limited to:

· Processing of interim reports and report cards

· Processing transcripts

-Provide support for Final Forms and registration

· Provide reports, spreadsheets, and documentation of the data contained in the Student Information System – DASL/Progress Book

· Provide direction, training and guidance to the district staff as it pertains to entering student enrollments, withdrawal, transfers etc., using Final Forms and the Student Information System – DASL/Progress Book

· Provide spreadsheets and reports to the Testing department for statewide testing criteria such as the Stanford Achievement Test, Ohio Graduation Test and the Ohio Achievement Assessment

· Provide direction, training, guidance and maintenance to the building staff for scheduling students into courses using the Student Information System - DASL

· Provide secure login information for district staff as it pertains to accessing the Student Information System – DASL/Progress Book/EMAIL

· Provide and maintain current district staff assignments as it relates to the Ohio Educational Directory housed by ODE

· Represents the district for train the trainer sessions and meetings provided by the Information Technology Center

· Enrollment data verifications as requested by various departments


Established by law in 1989, the E ducation M anagement I nformation S ystem (EMIS) provides the standards for reporting data to the Ohio Department of Education (ODE). EMIS is the statewide data collection system for Ohio’s primary and secondary education. There are four major functions of EMIS:

· State and Federal Reporting

· Funding and Distribution of Payments

· Academic Accountability System

· Generates Statewide and District Reports  

The EMIS Supervisor oversees the data that is collected in the Student Information System called DASL/Progress Book. The data collected is mandated by ODE through the EMIS guide. That data is reviewed and maintained for corrections relating to errors and compliancy as required. The EMIS Supervisor will work with various departments such as the Data Department, the Testing Department, the Curriculum Department, the Student Services Department, the Special Education Department and the Treasurers department to ensure the information being reported to the state is accurate and is completed in a timely manner. Timelines for reporting data to ODE are defined as reporting periods. There are four major functions required to report the data to ODE during the required reporting periods:

· Data Collection and Extraction

· Data Submission

· Data Verification

· Data Correction

ODE collects, analyzes, and reports data to a variety of audiences, such as policymakers, educators, administrators, and the general public via EMIS. At the end of each reporting period, accountability data is posted to the ODE’s Secure Data Center for analysis by various school district personnel.